“When your intention is clear, so is the way.”
~Alan Cohen
~Alan Cohen
have an enormous impact on our well-being, and building them impacts the well-being of our planet.
I guide people through the design of those spaces to promote health on every level so that we all

I’m Suzie Atkin.
I help people create homes and spaces that are beautiful, functional, safe, and most of all, directed by what really matters to its inhabitants. If you’re here, this might be you.
If you want your space to truly support your best life, it’s not enough to make it look like a beautiful Pinterest picture. (Today, that’s actually pretty simple!) Intentional design goes beyond the surface and tackles the bigger drivers—your why under the why—so that every decision you make for your home is guided by your vision, promotes your well-being, and considers the impact on planet, people, and resources.
And it doesn’t stop there. An Interior Designer’s role is to shepherd and enhance your vision, while filling in the gaps of your knowledge base, and empowering you to make informed decisions to create optimal wellness, functionality, safety, sustainability, affordability, and yes, beauty.
I’ve dedicated the last two decades to doing just that for my people. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design, Associate Kitchen/Bath Designer certification from the NKBA, Certified Aging in Place Specialist from the NAHB, numerous regional and national awards, such as Professional Remodeler’s “40 under 40” class of 2014, and NARI’s CotY kitchen project award (2011), I’ve learned that design has the power to support our best lives when it’s focused and executed with intention.
If you’re into that, you’re in the right place.
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